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JJ Burseth : The Beats

Name: Jonathan James (JJ) Burseth
Age: 17 (November 16, 1985)
Height/Weight: 5'7 1/2"/124lbs.
Reason for being in the band: Drummer/Sexy Beast/Occaisional Backup Vocals
Equipment used:
DW's Pacific E-Series 5 piece, 13" Zildjian hi hat cymbals, 16" Medium Avedis Zildjian crash, 16" Medium Z.Custom Zildjian crash, 20" Z custom Zildjian rock ride, and the greatest drum throne ever, "donated" by the AHS Choir Department...

JJ from Breakfinger is...
A great drummer and one sexy mofo. One who likes long walks on the beach and candle light dinners. A pretty silly guy with silky long locks of flowing blonde hair. To sum it up: A sexy beast with a healthy appriciation for women and gay elephant porn.

Drums, attractive ladies, the band known as Breakfinger, friends (especaily lady friends), punk rock, local bands (Two Feet Short, Octane, Pleasant Street, Camp Pancake, Everything Diet) and attractive girls that call me ;)

Guys who want me (basically every guy, because I have that sexy power), old people, porn that isn't of gay elephant orgin, and pants.

Favorite Quotes:
"What could be greater than golf with a gator?"
"Y'all don't know what its like, being male, middle class and white"
~Ben Folds

email: BreakfingerMelby@hotmail.com

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