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Links to all the great sites that the Breakfinger boys visit frequently when sitting on their butts at home.

Local Bands
Octane - High Energy Suburban Punk Rock!
Two Feet Short - I personally liked the name Bad Lamb, either way, they still rock...
Front Line Infantry - Hardcore punks from the Hartland...
Dust Bunnys - Have you ever seen a bunny play guitar? Have you?
Pleasant Street - Pleasantly good band!
Camp Pancake - Mmmm... Pancakes...
SNAFU - Situation Normal All... you can prolly guess...
Yardsale - Like a garage sale... but not...
The Spartikus Renual - Califester Talinhoo...
Everything Diet - These guys kick way too much ass for their own good!

Other Music Sites
- Pretty much self-explanitory, MP3s...
MilwaukeeRocks.com - Listing of lots of bands in the Milwaukee area...
GarageBand.com - Review music of tons of bands in many genres...
MP3.com Hot Punk List - Vote for us here to get our MP3s more plays...
XROXX.com - Sweet online punk radio station...
- Good place for guitar, bass, & drum tabs...
MxTabs - Another good spot for tabs...
Kazaa! - The official Breakfinger music stealing machine!

Friend's Sites
Melby's Webcam  - You can see Melby himself sitting at his desk in his room. (Rated GR for GRRR!)
Melby's LiveJournal - All of Melby's thoughts can be read on this little webpage... Caution...
Condon's Page - Cool guy and a man quite handy with a digital camera.
Bridget's Page - Very sexy punk rock chica with a style all her own.

Breakfinger's "Jewels of the Internet"
E-Baum's World  - A lot of good material here, a must see...
CrazyThoughts.com - A whole list of life's unanswered questions...
OxymoronList.com - A list of anything and everything that go together but... shouldn't...
Pornolize.com - Punch in any website to see it turned to absolute filth!
Fish In A Barrel - Everything weird and funny, all in one nice little package...

email: BreakfingerMelby@hotmail.com

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Breakfinger webpage design:  Adam Czerwonka