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Adam Melberth : The Bass

Name: Adam "Melby" Melberth
Age: 18 (March 5, 1985)
Height/Weight: 6'4"/200lbs.
Reason for being in the band: Bass/Backup Vocals
Equipment used: Ibanez Soundgear Bass/Microphone

Adam from Breakfinger is...
A very, very tall person... Actually a gentle giant. I like all kinds of music and up for anything new that is fun. I actually worked my way from cello to guitar to bass. There just aren't enough bass players in this world, and we needed one. I just wanna rock the party where thugs and punks, and any other type, can listen to my songs and be singing all night!

Music, food, women, football, basketball, friends, singing, dancing, being an all out chick magnet...

Like Jeff: Nazis do blow... And people who judge suck as well. High on my sucking list.

Favorite Quotes:
"Don't poke it, just stroke it!"
"Peace out - 2 fingas"
"I want to move to Pakistan or India... and become a cab driver"

Melby's LiveJournal
Melby's Webcam

email: BreakfingerMelby@hotmail.com

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